I doubt I'm the only one who enjoys a bank holiday weekend. Last weekend was spent in Oxfordshire, helping friends celebrate their fantastic wedding. An extra day off helped energy levels return to normal before I set off towards the working week.
Within days I was at another wedding reception and looking forward to the end of another week. This brought with it a leaving do, lunch with a friend and my dad's birthday party. All this within eight days really should have been my warning to make Sunday a day of rest as intended. Instead, I had the great idea that as the sun was shining, I would make a start on the garden.
In theory, it was a good idea. I bought plants, gathered pots and as shown by my dad and Monty Don, (one in person, the other via the television), soaked the plants in preparation for their new homes. Feeling pleased with myself, this was the point I made my way towards the multi compost bag. I hate wasps. It's important you know this. It's also relevant that you know I've done little gardening in the last twelve months. Do you know that if you leave an open bag of compost for long enough, wasps will make a nest in it?
I wasn't aware of this until I went to put my hand in the bag.
After ten minutes of running towards the bag, attempting and failing to extract compost from it, then legging it in the other direction from attacking wasps, I gave up. The dog thought it was great fun. Monty Don's dog doesn't trip him up, but then in fairness, I've never seen Monty run like a girl smacking his arms and shouting, "Is it on my back? I'm sure it's in my hair."
Fortunately, when my husband stopped hitting the bag of soil with a rake, he saved the day by going to the shops and buying me some more. That bit probably gets edited out of 'Gardeners' World' every week.